It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

Edmund Hillary


More please.

I was stretching out in the bridge position yesterday and decided to get on my tip-toes to try some push-ups. I only made it through five before I thought I was going to plant the top of my head right into the foundation of the house. Either these push-ups share no muscles at all with the garden variety push-ups or my back muscles are woefully underdeveloped compared to the rest of my body. I’m guessing it’s the latter since I’ve let my core turn to mush this last year.

A friend who does hapkido recommended wrapping my legs around a tree trunk and doing sit-ups and back extensions while hanging onto the tree. That should strengthen just about all the stuff that’s too weak right now. I’d love to start pumping out dozens of these right away, but it’s going to take some hunting for me to find the perfect tree… I’m slow to warm up. Have you met any nice trees lately? Maybe a nice douglas fir I could bring home to meet mom and dad?

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