It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

Edmund Hillary


No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous.

--Henry Brooks Adams, historian (1838-1918)


Marching On

The old birthday passed pretty uneventfully this year... I got a lot of calls from special people and a specific special person gifted me with delightfully thoughtful books. Karate class started out with a new person this week - another woman, finally. She turned out to be kind of scary and unstable (namely, angry) and the crazy left a deep, gigantic bruise on the inner side of my upper arm. I didn't even notice it until the next day when I lifted my arms to tie up my hair. It looks totally gnarly, but at least it didn't hurt much to get it and I now know what to expect from her when (or if) she comes back to class. She's supposed to be back tonight.

I have a lot of ideas brewing but not enough time to get them down. Drafts won't do for these, so I hope to get back here and write about them very soon... or maybe throw them onto Lawrence's wiki/blog (linked in the sidebar). That thing is structured very much the way people think (non-linearly), but it still feels a little unmanageable to me as a place for me to lay ideas down. Linearity can be a hard habit to break.