It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

Edmund Hillary


Environmental improvements.

I took off the stupid hand protectors this weekend since the velcro strips are bulky and dig into my hands anyway. The result? I want to be on that thing ALL THE TIME. I should have known all I’d need would be to have something shiny to look at… I am, after all, as easily amused as a five-year-old. But in all seriousness, those foam grips were really killing the process. They spread out just far enough for you to feel like you have to use them, but then they aren’t really placed at a natural width (at least not for my comfort). Sure I’d like to be able to do these with my hands shoulder-width apart but really I keep them a touch closer for chin-ups and totally wide for pull-ups (I struggle with those more, puny back muscles and all).

This morning I did 5 reverse negatives when I got out of bed and yesterday I did 10 (but only after some warming up). I’m only going about a third of the way down though, and that first third is always the easiest. The rest of it will be added in very small increments, but I’m going to make sure I’m always doing 5-10 before I come down. I may work up to 20 to build more endurance before dipping lower.

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