It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

Edmund Hillary


think happy thoughts

I was cruising 43 things for some motivation and eventually found my way to the ironman site. I learned some interesting facts there:
Your mind can improve your exercise results, says two recent studies. Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that women who believed they had a high tolerance for muscle pain reported less discomfort during cycling tests than women who claimed a low threshold.

In a Harvard University study, when hotel maids were told their work met the Surgeon General's recommendations for an active lifestyle, the women experienced decreases in blood pressure, body fat, waist-to-hip ratio and body mass index a month later. But the control group, who didn't receive the information, saw no such health improvements.

My right calf was making an awful popping sound on Monday so I decided not to run on it for a few days. Luckily it has not popped since Monday. Maybe my efforts to "think my calf into relaxing" helped? Could be that I just needed a little rest, too. Perhaps I'll go on a final 2-miler at marathon pace before I get on the plane and make sure to stretch better than I did after the 10-mile challenge. That ought to do it.

Clearly, as the article suggests, if I just think good thoughts about running the marathon, it will be a quick and painless experience! Right? Right??

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Woot! You're going to be excellent!

We miss you over on the newly revised MCM site. Come visit. In the meantime, I've had to drop out of CMM in Nashville because of multiple stress fractures. Major suckage. On the other hand, ice cream has lots of calcium, and calcium is good for bones, right? Right???

Come say hi, we miss you!

LA will kick butt. Seriously.
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