It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

Edmund Hillary


run, baby, run

I don't really know what to say for myself. I haven't trained properly (or at all?) and I'm going to run this son of a bitch anyway. I eeked out 16 miles on Saturday as a last ditch attempt at training. I felt some serious aches beyond anything I felt during my six months of real training for MCM. At the same time, my knees did not bother me as much. Go figure. I nearly crippled myself and, as I lay sprawled in a twitchy "stretching" position in the parking lot post-run, I thought solemnly, 'Well, it's only ten more miles than that.' Part of my brain is still reeling from that sentence, but that part of me has already been relieved of duty.

Coach sent out an email yesterday about a 10-mile race this coming Sunday... I figure there is a greater benefit in running a longish distance a week out from the big day than there is detriment to my training program in doing so at the end of my taper. (Read: Who'm I kidding? I didn't do any of this properly from the get-go. Why start now?)

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