Done and done!

I look really stupid, but that's what you get when your supervisor comes into your office and says to show off your medal for the camera. My knees are killing me, but I'm already thinking about registering for LA in early March. (What is wrong with me!?)
I figure it's like ripping the band-aid off. Better to do it sooner than later. Plus, I have some room for improvement. 6:22:20 is, well, 6:22:20. That's two whole hours slower than Oprah did it a few years ago and it would be unacceptable for me to give up now. In other news, there's all kinds of other stuff going on with me (what's new), possibly including some major life transitions very soon, but I'll get to that in my main blog soon enough. For now, all I have to say is BOO-ya!
- 10K 29 Mar 2008 * 1:09:03
- 10mi 24 Feb 2008 * 1:56:02
- Half 11 Oct 2008 * 2:27:48
- Full 26 Oct 2008 * 5:37:41
on deck
- 2009 RRCA 10M Challenge 22 February 2009
- Generation Kill by Evan Wright
- .........................
- good reads