aw, jub it!
I made up a new word today: jub. It's the new f-bomb. I was trying to type 'job' but I was all u's today.
Planned to do three miles at top speed tonight, but I only got one out before it was time to get back to my place to let my guest in. I'm housing a co-worker for the next two days because of the overtime and her hour and a half drive home. The one mile I did have time for was good and fast (for me) though, so at least I didn't waste a night. It's a slippery slope when you let one day get wasted... another 13 follow very easily, especially when there's plenty of work to do at the office.
At 9:45, it's the second fastest mile I've run in my life. The only time I've ever run a mile faster was when I was in 10th grade and I pulled a 9:00. Not bad for being eight years older, and a lot bigger and heavier. Maybe if I make my weekly speed run just one mile instead of three, or at least run the first mile at top speed and then do the other two as fast as I can stand after my extreme effort, then I'll be able to have a nice little 1-mile PR sometime before the big day. That would be a nice little accomplishment to keep me motivated as my life gets busier and everything gets more stressful. I'm gunnin' for 8, baby!
Labels: apple, short run, speed run, sport beans
- 10K 29 Mar 2008 * 1:09:03
- 10mi 24 Feb 2008 * 1:56:02
- Half 11 Oct 2008 * 2:27:48
- Full 26 Oct 2008 * 5:37:41
on deck
- 2009 RRCA 10M Challenge 22 February 2009
- Generation Kill by Evan Wright
- .........................
- good reads