It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

Edmund Hillary


ugh. time for break now?

Saturday's run was horrible. My stomach was so unsettled and I wanted to hurl all the fluid out of my body, yet I was starting to get dehydrated. No thank you, sir. I'll not have seconds.

Then more work-related stress... GERMS everywhere... and of course that fun little tickle and post-nasal drip that likes to come warn me when I'm about to get super duper sick. I decided to strike pre-emptively and take a few days off to sleep and sit on my couch catching up on my reading. I flooded my system with zinc lozenges. I drank OJ like there was no tomorrow. Today, I feel relatively good. (Read: not sick.) My run just now was pretty painful and I *just* got warmed up as I finished my 3 miles, but I needed to come home to make sure I got enough time to sleep for (you guessed it) work tomorrow. There seems to be a lot more of that going around lately.

I really can't wait for them to hire for that vacancy and for those two others who are supposedly filling the TWO OTHER VACANCIES to hurry up and come. It's been months with people dropping one by one and nobody waiting to take their places.

(BOO HOO, little girl.)

I know, I know. I'll quit bitching now.

Anyway, today's run reminded me of something the coach said about "miles in the bank." I had enough in the account to keep it open and look for growth, but it was like I took an early withdrawal this week. It really showed tonight. I suppose I could have toughed it out and kept building and accruing interest, but when my throat started hurting, it seemed like it was a bigger risk to continue. When I get sick, I get SICK. I seem to have nipped it in the bud, but of course I am second guessing myself because now it's really easy to say that I probably wouldn't have gotten sicker anyway and I was just feeling lazy. Who knows?

In any case, it was kind of nice to have rain while I was out there again, though I wish I had gone a bit earlier. I wouldn't have been as hungry and it wouldn't have been so dark. Those were the other two reasons (besides needing sleep) that I figured I should just call it a night. Now my body's crying out for me to finish that 6 it wanted to do. I sure hope it still feels that way when I try to do 9 on Sunday!

BLOG NEWS: Sam's started his own blog so I can pick on him now, too! Check it out; it's linked in the sidebar.

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