It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

Edmund Hillary


Okay, I get the hint.

I'm coming back soon. I've been struggling with insomnia and finding that ever elusive combination of zeitgebers that will help me sleep and be awake at normal person hours. For now, I suppose I can ease back into this blogging thing... and the reading other people's blogs thing, too.

Oh yeah, did I mention I went on a trip through parts of the Yucatan and Central America at the beginning of the year? Of course not. Well, I did. It was all the things you are probably imagining it was plus a lot of ridiculous situations that only I seem to be able to create - so, in a word, crazyfun. I'll post some pictures from that eventually.

You're aliiiiiiive!!!!
miss you tons. wanted to say hi. hope you're doing fabulously! i'm glad you had a great trip! update me on life when you get a chance :)
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