No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous.
--Henry Brooks Adams, historian (1838-1918)
Marching On
The old birthday passed pretty uneventfully this year... I got a lot of calls from special people and a specific special person gifted me with delightfully thoughtful books. Karate class started out with a new person this week - another woman, finally. She turned out to be kind of scary and unstable (namely, angry) and the crazy left a deep, gigantic bruise on the inner side of my upper arm. I didn't even notice it until the next day when I lifted my arms to tie up my hair. It looks totally gnarly, but at least it didn't hurt much to get it and I now know what to expect from her when (or if) she comes back to class. She's supposed to be back tonight.
I have a lot of ideas brewing but not enough time to get them down. Drafts won't do for these, so I hope to get back here and write about them very soon... or maybe throw them onto Lawrence's wiki/blog (linked in the sidebar). That thing is structured very much the way people think (non-linearly), but it still feels a little unmanageable to me as a place for me to lay ideas down. Linearity can be a hard habit to break.