It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

Edmund Hillary



I have so many drafts saved, and most of them are nothing more than a quotation that was deeply meaningful to me at one point or another. This is the earliest one, from July. Substitute just about any noun for "illness" (or not) and it fits my current mood rather well, I think. No need for exposition today.

Illness is in part what the world has done to a victim, but in a larger part it is what the victim has done with his world.

--Karl Menninger, psychiatrist (1893-1990)

"A divided mind is at once cause and symptom of a divided world." --John Dewey

That one stuck with me because Ian particularly liked it, but at the time I didn't get why. (Here is an appropriate time for that Oliver Wendell Holmes quote about transplanted knowledge...)
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